Wine Racks Now – New Liquor Laws in Oklahoma Help Grocery Store and Liquor Store Sales

The passing of State Questions 792 had many liquor stores worried about loss of income, but for some major retailers, that seems to be a wrong assumption. The state law created advantages both for retail grocery stores and liquor stores.
Liquor stores are now allowed to sell ice, cork screws, and other products that go along with strong beer and wine sales. It is believed that on average liquor store sales have either remained level or in some cases increased. This is good news for liquor stores who feared the competition from grocers would take some of their profits.
Grocery stores are also seeing a rise in revenue with the new laws as customers have a convenient way to purchase wine when they are shopping for their groceries. “Do we want to get wine with that?” is a question that can be answered “yes” to without stopping at a liquor store that is out of the way.
Need wine racks for your Oklahoma grocery store? Call Wine Racks Now for all your wine racks for sale in Oklahoma.